This location is local which will make organising my video shoot eaisier, especially when concering getting equipment to the set. It can also be shot inside meaning the weather will not cause any drastic problems that would have been present if I shot my video outside.

Eastcote High Street
This location is local which is good as I would be able to get my cast and equipment there without too much difficulty. However, it is not that interesting a location especially compared to somewhere like London. Therefore if I were to film my video here, it may not be particularly visually effective or exciting.

Oxford Street
The crowds could cause a problem in that it will be hard to set up my equipment without much room and it would be hard to shoot. Howveer, the crowds may create an interesting visual effect, for example if I filmed them and then decided to make the speed faster and one of my participants were to stand still, so they will appear to be in normal speed.

Westfield Shopping Centre
This location would be suitable in that it is inside, therefore the lighting would be bright regardless of the time, and weather issues would not be a problem. I also think it is fairly interesting, with big glass windows, a variety of shops and escalartors which could look effective if used in my video. however, I plan to shoot at the weekend and it would be very busy, thus members of the public may pose a problem for my when trying to shoot my video. It is also fairly far away when carrying equipment and trying to get all those who are featuring in my video onto location.

South Bank
This location would look visually attractive, especially with the River Thames in the shot. I also feel that there are meny interesting, quirky places here which I could shoot some of my video in. However, I feel that it would only really be effective if it was sunny, thus the weatehr could pose serious problems for my video shoot.

This location could be effective in that it would be However, I would not have control over much, such as the public walking through my shot, which may cause problems for me when I am trying to shoot my video.

Kings College Playing Fields
This location is very close and thus will be accessible to all those who are participating in my video, meaning they would be more likely to be happy to turn up on time etc. It will also make shooting my video relativly eaisier as I will not have to travel far with the equipment. However, it could be problematic in terms of the weather and members of the public usuing the fields at the time.

My Garden
I may use a shot at this angle of someone on the trampoline as it is a very high shot I would not usually be able to achieve. I may spell out the name Amanda as they spell it out in the song, with something such as stones on the trampoline. Here I would have good control over the set which would make shooting my video eaisier, however it may look a bit dull and broing. Therefore I plan to shoot a small part of my video at this location.
This location could be effective in that it would be However, I would not have control over much, such as the public walking through my shot, which may cause problems for me when I am trying to shoot my video.

Kings College Playing Fields
This location is very close and thus will be accessible to all those who are participating in my video, meaning they would be more likely to be happy to turn up on time etc. It will also make shooting my video relativly eaisier as I will not have to travel far with the equipment. However, it could be problematic in terms of the weather and members of the public usuing the fields at the time.

My Garden
I may use a shot at this angle of someone on the trampoline as it is a very high shot I would not usually be able to achieve. I may spell out the name Amanda as they spell it out in the song, with something such as stones on the trampoline. Here I would have good control over the set which would make shooting my video eaisier, however it may look a bit dull and broing. Therefore I plan to shoot a small part of my video at this location.

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