Canon XM2 HD Camera - This camera could be useful to shoot my music video due to the fact it shoots in High Definition, thus my footage will be of a much higher quality. this is important to me as I want my music video to look as professional as possible. Furthermore, it workswell in low-light settings, and as I plan to shoot outside this will be sueful to create good quality footage without studio lights.

Canon 55OD Camera - This camera would be good to shoot my music video in as it allows me to shoot in shallow focus, this is useful as I plan to use many extreme close ups..

Tripod/Dolly - I will use this at all times when filming as it ensures that my shots are steady and not shaky from simply holding it. This will make my video appear much more professional and effective, it will avoid it looking like a simple student created music video.

Autocue - This may be useful when creating my video as I can have the lyrics playing as my artist is performing, thus they will be reminded of the words and less likely to make mistakes, thus requiring less takes.

Visual Switcher - I can use this to change between multiple cameras when shooting a video, so I do not have to repeat the performance everytime I want a different shot or angle. It also ensures that transitions are smooth and in time, again making it more effective and attracrive for my audience to watch.

Fill Light - This light is useful as it enables me to obtain high-key lighting when shooting my video. This differs from a spotlight in that it brightens the entire area I am filming, not just certain areas. This means my lighting will be more even and I will avoid harsh shadows.

Sony HVRA1E Camera - These high definition cameras will ensure I get good wuality footage, though they are more portable than the Canon XM2 Hd camera. This means it may be more suitable for me as I plan to shoot the majority of my video on location.

Spotlight - This light allows me to highlight certain areas, thus will be useful when shooting extreme close ups in my music video.

Crane - This allows me to shoot from a high angle with some ease and to move the camera around whilst filming withouthaving to try and reposition it.
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