In order to get used to the shooting with the cameras and using Premiere and After Effects to create different sequences and effects, I went out and created a test sequence using various different shots. I used a Sony HVR A1E camera, this allowed me to shoot a clear shrap image in HD, these will also be the cameras I am likely to use to create my music video. I found the shot of a girl applying lipstick to be particularly effective when put in reverse, as it appeared she was taking the colour off. However, I found that I zoomed in too often which affected the focus and quality of a shot, it would have been better to place the camera closer to the subject, though this proved difficult to do at times, especially as the tripod is needed. I found shots using the tripod to be significantly more professional looking as the camera is still and does not have the shaking that shots I did just holding the camera had, thus I will always use a tripod in the future when shooting my music video. I also found high contrast lighting to be effective and very dramatic for some shots, creating a somewhat surreal effect when combined with bright colours. Furthermore, I found that when outside lighting can be an issue, especially as I am planning to shoot on location. When it is sunny the bright light can have a very good effect, however if you point the camera towards the sun it creates a silhouette effect. This can be a problem however, if it is not the desired effect you wish to create as it may black out any things you wish to include.